Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Oh my gosh, I have a nervous vagina!!

I took a walk this afternoon and listened to a podcastfrom April 2011 that someone told me about (no clue who at this point) about, of course, vaginismus. [Disclaimer: No, my life does not revolve around this disorder, but since it’s had a big effect on certain parts of my life that are supposed to be, y’know, FUN, it has naturally become a focus. But not THE focus. Cause that’s cake. Duh!]

I learned that vaginismus basically means having a nervous vagina.



Hey, sometimes you gotta celebrate what you can.

Now, I wouldn’t say my vagina was nervous per se. Perhaps a tad wary. (I mean, have you seen some of the penises out there? They can be a little intimidating.) A little awkward certainly. (As might happen when it’s not quite as active as some other vaginas might be.) Cautious. Careful. Thoughtful. But not nervous really.

Ok. Wait. The dictionary definition of nervous includes “tending to be anxious; highly strung”.

um..yeah. Ok. My vagina is nervous. But you would be too if…if…if…well, yours would be too IF. So there! But I can calm it down. It can be done. We’re working on it.

Also, the doctors on the podcast said that your vagina can be trained. So I'm all “Hot damn!! Does that mean it can do back flips and all kinds of cool tricks?!?! Because, y’know, that would be awesome!!" I’m just sayin’…

So to recap, today I learned that 1) I have a nervous vagina, but 2) it can be trained. Well now. I guess you really do learn something new every day.

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